9 September 2010
Hon’ble Sh. Kapil Sibal,
Prof. Deepak Pental’s continuation as the Vice-Chancellor of Delhi University
beyond his term which expired on 31 August, 2010 is both unwelcome and unprecedented. No Vice-Chancellor of Delhi University has ever continued beyond the expiry of his term even for a single day. By deciding to continue in office till the next Vice-Chancellor is appointed without receiving any direction from the Visitor to continue, Prof. Deepak Pental has debased the dignity of the office of the Vice-Chancellor. The only justification he offers for his continuation is some self serving legal opinion he may have sought.
Sir, you know that Delhi University is passing through a period of stress and strife caused mainly by the style of administration of Prof. Deepak Pental, a style which is jokingly referred to in the university circles as the ‘bull in china shop’ style of administration. You may please recall that he brought international disrepute to the university and the country by selling radioactive gamma irradiator as scrap to a ‘Kabadi’ and then keeping mum when the whole country was looking for the radioactive leak at Delhi Mayapuri market.
Now he is doing his worst to derail any impartial enquiry into the scrap sale. His
continuation in the office will aggravate the university crisis still further.
We, in the university, realize that Ministry of HRD may not have a direct say in the appointment or continuation of a Vice-Chancellor of Delhi University, but we hope that you will use your good offices to ensure that such a person is not rewarded by allowing him to cling to his office for long.
Prof. Deepak Pental claims that by implementing the semester system at the
undergraduate level in Delhi University he is only implementing the Union MHRD
directions. The uncouth manner in which he has implemented the semester scheme
and semester-based Science Courses has really brought academic disrepute to the
semester scheme. The national policy document on semester desired that
consensus be built through discussion and debate on the issues relating to semester
scheme. But building consensus is completely alien to the mind-set governing
Prof. Pental’s functioning. While deciding the structures and syllabi relating
to semester, all the relevant provisions of the DU Act, Statutes and Ordinances
were violated; the Executive Council, the Academic Council, the Court –
Statutory authorities of the University, downgraded; and teachers completely
ignored. The result is that ‘semester’ is not considered as a reform, or a
progressive measure, but a measure which is sought to be forcibly implemented.
Prof. Deepak Pental has burdened the University of Delhi with a crisis and the
Union Government is blamed for it.
To conclude, I request you to kindly intervene to ensure that rule of law
prevails in Delhi University and that teachers are consulted in the process of
decision making on the issues relating to academic structures and syllabi. The
academic teaching-learning process cannot function under commands and orders
from the VC.
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
Department of Physics, Kirori Mal College, DU.
Former: Member DU Executive Council &
Academic Council, Secretary, DUTA
Delhi University Teachers'Association
University of Delhi
Delhi 110007
Ph: 91-11-27667822
Fax: 91-11-27666351